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Gaming snack

Hllo PlayStation Blog! My name is Michel Ancel, you might know me best as the creator of the Rayman series, and Beyond Good & Evil for Ubisoft. Recently, I co-founded a new independent game studio in Montpellier, France along with a bunch of very talented guys and gals. We call ourselves Wild Sheep and together we are working on an exciting new game called… WiLD.

When we started working on WiLD Gaming snack  we wanted to make sure that we would have fun playing our own game even after months and months of development! This is the reason why the world of WiLD is the size of Europe, with dynamic weather and seasons, and filled with interactive opportunities that feel endless.


Use your instincts and intuition to thrive in an incredibly hostile environment. Learn how to control living creatures, and venture into your friends’ game worlds to help them survive.

Experiment with your surroundings in your quest for survival – a simple plant could just as easily save your life… or bring about a swift death.